Kilohearts Toolbox Professional will take your production to the next level.
With 30+ plugins it provides, you might not know where to begin.
There’s a whole range to choose from: from the Nonlinear Filter to the Ladder Filter; the Frequency Shifter to the Transient Shaper.
No matter who you are, Kilohearts Toolbox pro will have something for you.
Get that retro feel to your lo-fi hip hop beats with Tape Stop.
Create alien vocalisations on your synth with the Formant Filter.
Or beef up your vocals with the Ensemble effect.
Luckily a wide range of presets makes it easy to get started.
And with Snap Heap, you can combine any of these plugins together to create your own modular effects.
This is all with a sleek yet consistent design and the top audio fidelity Kilohearts have become known for.
Please Note: This product comes in the form of a digital download code that will be sent to your email for activation.